Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17

Hanging out with Baba...super fun!

June 16

Here I am playing with Brody and Delaney (his sister)
Yay Brody!

And here I am on my wagon ride

June 15

Here I am at Teme's house to celebrate Father's Day.
We vacuumed!

June 14

Today it's a picture of Mama's haircut...not much different than before, eh?

June 13

Today a tree from the parkway next door fell over and took out part of our parkway tree. Friday the 13th in action, I guess.

Here I am surveying the situation

And here I am playing on the porch.

June 12

I love to wear my Du-Du dresses!

June 11

No pictures today....no clothes, either.

June 10

Watching my shows....check out the awesome mess I made!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 9

I like my spiderman shirt!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

June 8

My cool outfit (I dressed myself today!)

June 7

Today I went swimming with my cousins.
Here I am sitting like Mommy does at pools or beaches.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

June 6

Here I am at Lauren's kindergarten graduation with her friend Kevin
Congratulations Du-Du!

June 5

I have a new cousin, Emerson Rose!!!!!

I am so happy!

June 4

No smile today!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

June 3

So I got lazy again and I didn't update my blog on time.
I'm sorry!

Anyway, here I am singing parts of two different songs--
first 'Skip to my Lou' and second, 'Row Row Row Your Boat'

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

June 2

Today I went to Tony and Heidi's new house.

The new place is really big...I just couldn't stop running around and around

Here I am rolling around their living room floor.

You can kind of make out the owl on the Harold Washington Library in the view

Tony and Heidi...and kinda the owl.

This was the only shot Mama could get of the lime green kitchen walls!

June 1


May 30

I had a great time eating my angel hair today.

May 29

Hanging in my cool chair!

May 28

I did not want any pictures today.

May 27

Smiling in my stripeys!